New email! Gallery & Future plans

No updates as of lately, I have setup and email for this blog account, here. If you have any questions, ideas ad images you want to send, then please do! As I would really like to get a gallery going of Chinese bikes.

I’ve gone quiet for a little while as I’m getting pieces together, at the moment, I’ve been looking at performance CDI units to unlock the rev limiter and advance the timing, which I believe is a 6 Pin DC system, this will be followed by a better HT lead as well. On top of that I have ordered a bigger carburettor, a 30mm unit, stock is 26mm at manifold end.

There’s not much more really left to do on the bike except a new exhaust system as the stock one uses press bends opposed to mandrel bends, this should free up some more airflow. I did have a question regarding the performance exhaust, which clamp do I use, its a 54mm clam you want.

Apart from that there is a big bore kit available and performance cams available from china, but that will be very last on the list to get this bike going.

About Alex

Web designer
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