
Finally it looks like the 156cc barrel arrived with a ceramic coated piston, managed to source a 1mm extra lift cam off the 163FML engine and the oil cooler I got from the USA.


Next step will be firstly to repaint the barrel, it however won’t be going on straight away as I’m extremely busy at the moment, but when I do get round I’m hoping my research paid off and it all fits. I’m also finishing another project off at the moment, I built a small bit of decking and a shed in my garden as a workshop a while back, I have finally got round to starting to finally wire up electrics to it with heating so I can work away in the dark and cold once it comes around, here’s the shed I have built whilst going somewhat off topic. Planning to fit a small mill and a 3-axis CAM down the line, work never ends sadly.IMAG0309

About Alex

Web designer
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